My 2 Year Old Won’t Eat Anything But Fruit

Fruits are a fantastic source of nutrition for growing children, but they can’t provide all the proteins needed for healthy development. That’s why a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods is so important.


But what do you do when your 2-year-old flat-out refuses to eat anything except fruit? Don’t worry – you’re not alone! Encouraging your child to try new foods can be a challenge, but with a little creativity and patience, you can help them develop a taste for a wide range of healthy options.

To maintain a balanced diet for your 2 year old who doesn’t eat anything but fruit, you can bring a change in their food habits. One of the best ways to do this is by making mealtimes fun and positive, introducing new and varied foods, and being patient and persistent in your efforts. 

In this article, we will explore the reasons why a toddler may only want to eat fruits and what parents can do to encourage their child to eat a more varied diet.

Reasons Why a Toddler May Only Want to Eat Fruits

Toddlers are known for being picky eaters, and it can be frustrating for parents when their child refuses to eat anything but fruits. However, there are several reasons why this may be happening:

Taste preference: Just like adults, toddlers have taste preferences, and they may simply enjoy the sweet taste of fruits over other foods. Fruits are naturally sweet and contain natural sugars that can be very appealing to young taste buds.

Texture: Toddlers are also sensitive to texture, and they may find some foods, such as vegetables, meat, and grains, difficult to chew and swallow. In contrast, fruits are often soft and easy to chew, making them a more appealing option for a toddler who is still learning how to eat.

Control: As toddlers begin to assert their independence, they may start to exert control over their food choices. Eating only fruits could be a way for them to assert their autonomy and make their own decisions about what they want to eat.

Food aversion: Sometimes, a toddler may develop an aversion to certain foods due to a negative experience, such as a bad taste or choking. If a toddler has had a negative experience with a particular food, they may be hesitant to try it again.

Read Also: My 3 Year Old Won’t Eat Unless I Feed Him – (Solution)

My 2 Year Old won’t Eat Anything but Fruit – What Should I Do Now

1. Give Your Child a Small Portion Of Fruit with Every Meal

You can try this trick: serve a small portion of fruit alongside the main meal. When your child sees the colorful fruit on the plate, it will be less overwhelming and more appealing. As they enjoy the fruit, their appetite will be satisfied, making them more likely to try the other foods on the plate.

If your child asks for more fruit, use it as an opportunity to introduce other foods by saying, “Sorry, there’s no more fruit left. How about trying some of this A, B, C item?”

Your child may not eat much at first, but by consistently offering a small portion of fruit at each meal, they will learn to associate fruit with the main meal and be more open to trying new foods.

2. Offer a variety of fruits

While it’s great that your toddler enjoys fruits, it’s important to offer a variety of fruits to ensure they get a range of nutrients. Offer fruits of different colors and textures, such as bananas, apples, oranges, berries, and kiwi.

3. Keep Introducing New Foods

Introducing new foods to your toddler can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be! Start by offering small amounts of new foods and be patient as they explore the texture, smell, and taste. Encourage them to touch and smell the food before trying it, which can make the experience more enjoyable and less intimidating.

Remember, it can take several attempts before your child develops a taste for a new food, so keep offering and trying new things. Who knows, you might even discover some new family favorites along the way!

4. Make meals time fun

Making mealtime fun can make a big difference in your toddler’s willingness to try new foods. Instead of focusing solely on getting them to eat, make mealtime about family time, chatting, and having fun. Consider playing games, singing songs, or telling stories to create a positive and enjoyable atmosphere.

At a young age, distractions like songs and silly games can be helpful in encouraging your child to try new foods. Before you know it, they may be more open to trying different things and even asking for more!

Plus, by making mealtime a fun and enjoyable experience, you’ll be creating positive associations with food and family time that will last a lifetime.

5. Reward for Balanced Eating

Rewards can be a great way to motivate them! For example, you might try offering your child a small toy or a trip to their favorite place if they finish their meal or try a new food.

By using rewards, you’ll make mealtimes more exciting and help your child understand the importance of a balanced diet that includes more than just fruit. Over time, this approach can help improve their appetite and set them up for a lifetime of healthy choices.


Getting a 2-year-old to eat a variety of healthy foods can be a challenge, especially if they’re stuck on just one type of food like fruit. However, by making mealtimes positive and fun, introducing new and exciting foods, and being patient and persistent, you can help your child develop a taste for a balanced diet. 

It’s important to remember that toddlers have small stomachs, and they may not eat as much as you expect. Toddlers may also go through phases where they are picky eaters, but they usually grow out of it as they get older. It’s important to stay patient and keep offering a variety of foods.

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